Veteran's Memorial
The Veteran's Memorial in Murphys, California on south Algiers Street, across from the Murphys Park
The site for the original memorial was prepared and sidewalks and handicapped ramps poured, using volunteer workers and donated materials.

On Veteran's Day in 2011 the new memorial was dedicated with a large crowd in attendance. Supervisor Merita Callaway addressed the crowd and the scouts performed the flag ceremony.

Each Veteran's Day there is a memorial service at the site. Further improvements have been made to the original memorial, notably the addition of cement benches with the flags for each branch of service displayed. The District strives to continually improve the memorial as well as to recognize our military veterans. Individuals may choose to purchase a brick to honor someone who has served. As of 2021 two walls of individual bricks have been established to recognize such service. These special bricks celebrate those who have honorably served.

In early 2014, John Kautz, owner of Ironstone Vineyards, approached the EPVMD and proposed expanding the memorial with his family paying all the cost. With the help of Supervisor Merita Calloway, the county agreed that the land adjoining the original memorial site could be used and work began on the expansion area. The plan was ambitiousand included a large bronze statue, sidewalks, picnic tables and lawn areas (using artificial turf to save water). It did not seem that it could be competed in the time allotted, but the crew from Ironstone worked hard and, on Memorial Day 2014, a dedication ceremony and unveiling of the bronze statue was held.